Are you struggling to find staff? Looking for that rare gem? A place where you can say what you’re looking for and why your business is a great place to work?

Good news: the new platform designed by the Normandy Region and its partners meets your every need. Let’s find out more.

A unique tool

Emploi Normandie was officially launched on May 16th in Cherbourg, Le Cotentin, and is the result of close partnership between several regional bodies: the Region of Normandy, the economic development agency AD Normandie, the Agency for Orientation and Professions and the Normandie Attractivité promotional agency.

What’s the idea? Connect recruiters and applicants and apprentices looking for career opportunities.


Given its training skills, the Region wanted to promote Normans involved in its support schemes: an opportunity to be part of an exclusive breeding ground of apprentices plus a prospective vision covering burgeoning talents.

Normandy meets the candidates in Paris

From 24 to 26 January 2024, Normandy will be present for the first time with all the départements (Calvados, Eure, Manche, Orne and Seine-Maritime) at the mobility and employment fair at Porte de la Villette in Paris. A common banner and a collective stand to meet a major challenge: recruiting the future talent of Normandy from Île-de-France to come and settle and work in the region. Nearly 20,000 visitors are expected. This is your chance to showcase your offers!

Translated with (free version)

remière fois avec l’ensemble des départements (Calvados, Eure, Manche, Orne, et Seine-Maritime) au salon de la mobilité et de l’emploi, porte de la Villette, à Paris. Une bannière commune et un stand collectif pour répondre à un enjeu majeur : recruter les futurs talents normands en provenance d’Île-de-France pour venir s’installer et travailler sur le territoire. Près de 20 000 visiteurs sont attendus. L’occasion de mettre en avant vos offres !

A CV section enables you to proactively search for applicants based on skills, location etc. But you have to post at least one vacancy to use it! All candidates looking for professional opportunities, whether from Normandy or elsewhere, can submit their CV. The jobs on offer can be permanent, fixed-term, interim, freelance or apprenticeships.

20,000: the estimated number of applicants supported by the region – a breeding ground of Normandy profiles!

A unifying tool

It brings together job offers from across the country (France Travail, APEC, Hellowork, etc.), as well as from local platforms in Normandy and company recruitment pages. One place, but a whole host of possibilities!

Don’t worry if you already have a HR tool: you can easily connect it with your ATS (applicant tracking system) so you hold onto your streamlined recruitment process. Feel free to email the project team on: [email protected]

plateforme emploi normandie je travaille

The tool is designed to be a simple way to fulfil the needs of businesses and promote vacancies throughout Normandy. Any recruiter can sign up for free on but only vacancies based in Normandy can be posted.

If you have already posted a vacancy on platforms such as Pôle Emploi or APEC, you don’t need to worry about duplication: the most recent is automatically imported. However, if you have a vacancy on a partner platform and the vacancy already appears on Emploi Normandie via a stream then only the partner vacancy will appear. Last but not least, if you have an exclusive vacancy (i.e. direct on the platform) and it has already been imported, no matter the stream, the exclusive offer will automatically take over and appear as such to applicants!

110: the number of recruiters that have already posted over 200 exclusive vacancies since the platform launched

A promotional tool

Another major advantage: there are several ways to promote your business as well as your vacancies on the platform.

It’s easy to get to grips with, what with the “red” vacancies published direct on the platform, “orange” vacancies imported from partner platforms or job boards and “yellow” vacancies from national platforms plus the word “exclusive” appearing on direct posts.

Appearance matters and makes you twice as likely to appeal to candidates. Make sure it looks good! You have to promote yourself to attract future talents. There’s a company directory compiling all the businesses in Normandy to do just that. Photos, videos, wise words and values: it all counts towards boosting your employer branding!


The local area and sectors haven’t been left out: aside from your company page, a diary and editorial content are regularly promoted on the platform and social media. There’s even a guide to help you publish your vacancies and company page. Plus the team is always on hand to answer your questions.

2316: that's how many applicants have signed up to Emploi Normandie! There are already 425 CVs online and 1400 under way!

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