Manufacturing plays a key role in Normandy’s economy, in a land with real industrial history and its sights set on the future. With eco-friendly positive impact manufacturing projects, strong energy mix, meaningful future careers and an exciting ecosystem, it does more than just support economic growth; it’s also helping to build a more sustainable world.
Choosing Normandy means combining our ambitions for a low-carbon economy with a commitment to preserving a living environment that fosters significant transformations and nurtures both professional and personal growth. Let’s find out more about an industry with lots in the pipeline!
Normandy manufacturing: flying the flag for France
A powerful and exciting industry
Manufacturing accounts for 19.1% of regional wealth production, making Normandy the top French region in terms of the importance of manufacturing in its economy. It’s the second biggest region in terms of manufacturing production per inhabitant, with 15 manufacturing companies among the top 30 highest turnovers in the region.
An industry with job opportunities
The manufacturing industry has 200,000 employees working on 5000 sites, accounting for 16% of jobs in the region (2022 figures). The thriving employment market has seen a 3% growth in manufacturing jobs since 2017 (exc. 2020), which proves the industry’s ability to reinvent itself and provide an array of careers.
An industry of excellence and power
Normandy stands out in strategic sectors including aerospace, chemistry, automotive, energy, food and pharmaceuticals. Its dense industrial network, including world leaders and exciting SMEs, secures France’s economic foothold and unites the region.
Real challenges to overcome
A demographic challenge: attract and retain talent
With a predicted drop in student numbers and a migration deficit of 2600 people a year by 2070, manufacturers have to work even harder to attract new talent. They have some convincing arguments: courses to suit different sectors, diverse jobs, attractive salaries and meaningful careers all in an amazing place to live and thrive!
Training and skills: changing with the job
Just 24% of people living in Normandy have higher education degrees. The region has to improve. They are already working on training courses, career changes and opportunities for young people with no qualifications or returning to the workplace.
Property and infrastructures: a vital step-up
Repurposing brownfields, building “ready to use” property and improving infrastructures are essential to attracting investment. With the support of Axe Seine, these projects improve the appeal of regional manufacturing.
An industry focused on a sustainable future
Normandy has made its mark as a pioneer in green energy. Just take the offshore wind farm off the coast of Fécamp and Orano’s investments in recycling nuclear materials. 2.5 billion EUR went into manufacturing projects in 2023 as part of the France Relance campaign, which saw the region come third nationwide. The arrival of the US giant Eastman and Belgian Futerro, with several million EUR going into recycling plastic, proves the industry is heading in the right direction.