A one-of-a-kind tool for job-hunting

Are you looking for a job in Normandy? Do you believe that your skills could be useful in the region? Or could your CV be a good match for a job offer in one of our five departments? Discover your one-stop shop: Emploi Normandie!

4 reasons to use Emploi Normandie:

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Studio 911
  • A secure and easy-to-use tool: CV builder, CV upload, job alerts in just a few clicks
  • A directory where you can find businesses and contact them directly, to  submit a spontaneous application or request a work placement
  • Employment and training news from the Region and its partner agencies
  • Features on the appeal of the region and inspiring company stories

 Facilitating contact

Studio 911
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Emploi Normandie connects recruiters and candidates open to work, listing all vacancies in the region, including Manche, Calvados, Eure, Seine-Maritime, Orne, and beyond. It aggregates job offers from national platforms like France Travail, APEC, and Hellowork, as well as from local platforms in Normandy and company recruitment pages. One place, but a whole host of possibilities!

Get your CV ready!

All candidates, whether from Normandy or elsewhere, seeking professional opportunities can submit their CVs. The jobs on offer can be permanent, fixed-term, interim, freelance or apprenticeships. You simply submit your CV, and the search engine suggests the most suitable job offers. Complete your search by specifying the role you’re seeking, the type of contract, and your location. Currently, more than 70,000 vacancies are listed.

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Did you know?

Emploi Normandie was officially launched in 2023 as a collaborative effort among several regional bodies including the Region of Normandy, the economic development agency AD Normandie, the Agency for Orientation and Professions, and the Normandie Attractivité promotional agency

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