
21 year old Louis Thermy hails from Montpellier and has lived in Rouen for 4 years. Every week he has a date with the Seine. Why? He’s a member of the regional youth rowing academy and trains non-stop in Rouen with the goal to join the French team and compete in the 2028 Olympics. Let’s find out more.

Let’s meet Louis Thermy, a regional rising star in rowing

How Louis Thermy Developed a True Passion for Rowing in Normandy

Louis Therny, champion d'aviron en Normandie

It started out as a bit of fun that turned into a true passion when he was 14. “I tried rowing with my mum one day and just fell in love with it.” Being a fan of outdoor and water sports, it was only natural that Louis would fall for this precision sport. $

The talented young man was delighted to carry on giving his all to his oars after leaving Montpellier. Why? His studies brought him to Normandy and INSA Rouen.

You have to love pushing yourself and striving for precision. It's a fairly technical sport, it takes hard work and you have to love being on the water.

Louis Therny, champion d'aviron en Normandie

An iron will

Louis may not have stayed at engineering college, but he did stay in Rouen and signed up for a physical measurements course in Mont-Saint-Aignan. “I want to stay in Rouen to continue my elite training,” says the young man who soon joined the regional youth academy at CNAR, Club Nautique et Athlétique de Rouen.
Louis is a devoted sportsman who rows at the gym (on an ergometer used by the pros) or on the Seine, 7-10 times a week. “It’s not the easiest river in France because of the tides, but it’s still a pretty good place,” he smiles. There’s a good reason why he takes time out to row on the river. He has his sights set on the French team. “If all goes well, you could see me at the 2028 Olympics…”.

Team spirit

Whether it’s raining, sunny, hot or cold, Louis rows but not alone.
“I’ve met new people and had new opportunities, such as rowing in a team of 4. Sometimes in long boats in a team of 8, which is easier here than in Montpellier.” The adopted Norman really loves the teamwork involved in rowing. “We all have to row together as one with the boat to go as fast as possible. “

Aviron à Rouen

Between his 12-20km outings and studies, the young man makes time for other hobbies… more sports. “I cycle, do a little running, go trail running and I like motor sports, especially Formula 1.” He recently came 18th in the senior men’s skiff event at the French Champsionships and wants to keep getting better: “I’d like to make the semi-final then the podium, that would be good! “

Club nautique de Rouen

A regional centre in Rouen

Normandy’s regional youth rowing academy is a sports facility that’s part of the Ligue Normandie d’Aviron.
The main training centre is at the CNAR site in Rouen. The structure is part of the Federal Performance Programme from the FF Aviron (French Rowing Federation).

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