NEODD 2030 was founded in 2021 by several Normandy business figures, including three employers’ unions: MEDEF, U2P and CPME. The goal is to encourage SMEs and VSBs to join the ecological transition. With the support of the Normandy Region and ADEME, it launched B-NEODD in November 2022: a new tool to help regional businesses begin their decarbonisation journey. Let’s find out more about a pioneering project fuelled by the power of the collective.

Normandy businesses are addressing a changing world and climate change
Given the current climate and challenges to come, several key figures and representatives in the Normandy business world made a stand in 2020 and decided to join forces to find realistic strategies to tackle climate change. They started from the premise that we can only make a difference if we work together. Inspired by The Shift Project and fuelled by the Global Compact France’s fears, MEDEF (French business movement), U2P (local trade union), CPME (SME confederation), CJD (young business leaders centre) and big businesses in Normandy realised the importance of exploring a new paradigm together, involving a change in how we see the world and business.
2° by 2030
What does that mean? Climate change is estimated to increase significantly by 2° by 2030, including in Normandy. A “catastrophic” result that saw business leaders get together, with the support of the Normandy Region, ADEME (Environment and Energy Management Agency) and ANBDD (Normandy Agency for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development), to submit a realistic action plan at the 4th Rencontres Normandes du Développement Durable (Normandy Sustainable Development Conference) in 2020. The pandemic pushed their reality check to the forefront of everyone’s minds and led to the foundation of NEODD2030 in 2021 (Normandy Business Sustainable Development Goals 2023).

NEODD 2030
We realised that the stable world – with the PIB and focus on expansion as solid facts – is over. Instability has become the norm, be it climate, financial or health. So we need to find solutions, come up with new business models, pre-empt regulations, establish strategies to mitigate shocks, tackle it head-on
What’s the idea? Encourage as many Normandy business figures and SMEs/VSBs as possible to join the ecological transition and help them make their 1ststeps towards net zero.
The aim is for the association to spread its roots in the region and its partners.
But since companies work under constant time pressure, don’t necessarily have the time to consider what they can put in place in their structures, or may not realise the importance of making changes, several campaigns were launched to build awareness, highlight existing measures and provide a clear and concrete response to assess, plan and act on decarbonisation. Outreach activities for businesses, attendance at several events throughout the area, strong partnerships with key decision makers… and the launch of a new tool in late 2022: B-Neodd, designed for SMEs, MSBs and VSBs in the region.
NEODD 2030’s platform helping Normandy businesses with climate solutions
The platform is a guide for measures, funding and providers supporting environmental and energy transition in Normandy. A unique, free database designed specifically for SMEs/VSBs with several examples of best practices. “It’s the NEODD2030’s “star” tool and will have a major publicity campaign behind it,” says Sabine Guichet-Lebailly.
The association is here to make life easier for businesses by helping them find solutions that bring the transition together with business opportunity
B-Neodd lists several service providers involved in energy conservation, sustainable transport, CSR and circular economy. Since case studies often help spread the word about eco-friendly concepts, the “Pépites du climat” section puts the spotlight on Normandy companies that have already got the ball rolling with net zero projects. The association highlights these “climate gems” with interviews, marketing and invites to special events.

A new project
NEODD2030 has launched the “Cap Décarbone” project with 10 stages to continue raising awareness among Normandy SMEs/VSBs and present the B-NEODD platform in the field.
10 half-days to raise awareness and establish realistic action plans to support SMEs/VSBs in specific areas so they can join the environmental and energy transition.
“It’s an opportunity to show business leaders the real opportunities sustainable development can bring them and their stakeholders in the local ecosystems.“
Attending a half-day means getting support to set up new projects in your business and commit to a low-carbon strategy. Cap Décarbone helps to upgrade, pre-empt, restore meaning and empower employer branding.
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