What do the engines on the new Ariane VI launch system, Airbus flight helmets and the French Navy’s next generation of nuclear attack submarines all have in common? They are all made in Normandy! The aeronautics, space, defence and security industry is firmly established in our region with major manufacturing sites and exciting SMEs. Fuelled by new perspectives for the future – EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence cooperation, new generation of sustainable aircraft – the sector is taking off with a higher turnover than before the pandemic.
Horses run through Normandy’s veins
From the first harness races on Cherbourg beach to milestone moments in racing and equestrian sport championships (dressage, show jumping, eventing), Normandy and horses share more than just history; they share a love story! Anglo-Norman, Selle Français, French Trotter, Thoroughbred, Percheron, Norman Cob: the region has unique expertise when it comes to breeding.
Its outstanding sites and facilities (two national stud farms, an equestrian campus, business cluster, world horse library) combined with having every aspect of the industry on-site have helped carve out its reputation for equine excellence.
Normandy at the top of the podiums
- Biggest breeding region in terms of breeders and births (over 12,000/year)
- Biggest economic region in terms of employment and turnover : 6700 establishments, 18,000 jobs, 1.3 billion € in turnover
- Biggest equine research region with 5 research centres
- 1st environment and animal welfare label for equestrian facilities, EquRES
- 1st working animal welfare label for every company in the horse industry, EquuRES Bien-être au travail
An ambitious regional equine policy
The region’s equine policy for 2023-2027 is based on 5 key areas: ensure companies in the industry succeed; establish Normandy as an area for excellence in terms of equestrian health, performance and welfare; promote Normandy’s equine heritage; use horses to attract tourists and promote the region; enable everyone in Normandy to reap the rewards of the industry.
Horse sectors in pole position
Breeding and auction
With over 8200 stud farms, 4600 breeders and 12,000 births per year*, Normandy is the biggest region in France for horse breeding. It stands out in particular for its French Trotters and Thoroughbreds that are worth their weight in gold. One of them sold for 2.4 million € at the 2022 yearlings auction hosted by Arqana in Deauville! Caen is also well-known for its auctions run by Société du Cheval Anglo-Normand.
*2019 figures/Conseil des Chevaux de Normandie
Normandy needs no introduction when it comes to equine research.
Normandie Equine Vallée covers two sites home to cutting-edge facilities and laboratories:
- Cirale (imagery and research centre for musculoskeletal disorders),
- ANSES (research into causes of death in horses),
- Labéo (biggest lab in Europe for equine assessments),
- BIOTARGEN (Université de Caen research department for osteo-articular and respiratory diseases in horses).
They come together in a scientific interest group (GIS) called CENTAURE which is unique in France.
The FNCH (research and action against doping sport and racing horses) and La Jumenterie du Pin (IFCE research centre) are also well-known facilities in Normandy.
We give our horses the royal treatment! The region is home to 200 specialist vets, 230 farriers and equine podiatrists plus 70 specialist companies (osteopaths, dentists, shiatsu etc.). Horse owners also work with several equine hydrotherapy and rehabilitation centres (inc. Kinésia in Goustranville) as well as Respe, the first disease surveillance network in equine pathology.
Sport and leisure
Normandy is heaven for its 40,000 licensed horse riders who can ride in one of 900 stables, on bridle paths and by the sea. There’s something for anyone who enjoys horse shows and equestrian sports too. Normandy’s two stud farms (Le Pin and Saint-Lô) and the Pôle international du Cheval Longines riding school in Deauville host several events every year (a thousand per year).
Horse racing
Excitement, thrills and spills. Normandy’s 42 hippodromes are popular among the punters! The region hosts 350 racing events per year with 45 racing companies. Behind the scenes, Normandy’s jockeys and 600 trainers work at outstanding facilities such as the Dragey-Rothon training centre in Manche (6 gallop tracks with views of Mont Saint-Michel), Pôle Hippique de Saint-Lô riding school and Deauville-La Touques racehorse training centre, one of the biggest in Europe.
Horse industries and services
Fodder and bedding, horse and jockey equipment, infrastructures, transport, services: over 220 specialist companies have set up shop in Normandy (French companies account for 15%). They make over 550 M€ in turnover. The biggest names include IMV Technologies France, the world leader in artificial insemination, Théault, Europe’s biggest manufacturer of horseboxes and horsetrucks, and Equidéclic, software specialists for equine professionals. The land of horses is also home to several artisan saddlemakers. Hermès opened a new leather factory making saddles and bridles, alongside its iconic bags, in 2022 in Louviers in Eure.
A structured industry and supported professionals
People working in the horse industry benefit from the region’s facilities that bring them together and provide support.
Normandy’s Hippolia is the only business cluster devoted to the horse industry in France. It has 215 members (start-ups, companies, research departments, training centres) throughout France. It supports over 200 innovative projects every year.
The Conseil des Chevaux de Normandie represents equine professionals in Normandy at public and private institutions. Its many areas of expertise include employment, training and innovation. The industry is brought to life by the likes of Cheval Normandie, the regional horse riding committee, the regional committee for equestrian tourism, Normandy horse riding federations and more.
Events showcasing the industry
Normandy hosts over 1000 equine competitions every year. The most famous include Le Grand Complet at Haras National du Pin, Longine Deauville Classic (international show jumping event) and the international polo tournament in Deauville Barrière. Events such as the Normandie Horse Show and Equidays put on a real show for audiences.
The Bibliothèque Mondiale du Cheval (world horse library) in Normandy will host a conference in Versailles in 2024 for the Paris Olympics.
A horse industry that creates jobs
With over 800 vacancies in 2022* (accounting for a quarter of all vacancies nationwide) Normandy is the biggest region in terms of employment in the horse industry. Stable jobs that can’t be outsourced (1 in 2 permanent contracts) and tend not to require qualifications (80%).
* source: Equi-ressources
The most in-demand jobs
The top five profiles that equestrian companies in Normandy are looking for are stable hands/horse grooms, riding coaches, groomers, horse trainers and breeding assistants (Normandy alone accounts for 60% of vacancies in this one career in France).
Normandy training courses
Normandy provides a wide range of courses in every area of the horse industry: farriery, saddle-making, esquestrian sport and horse racing promotion, veterinary medicine, research, equine business management etc. You won’t find some of them anywhere else in France: the Master’s in horse science and management (applications in September 2024), pre-training jockey training with a breaking in option (MFR de Vains), artificial insemination technician certificate (IFCE) and equine osteopathy courses (EFOA, ESAO).
NB: Alfort veterinary school’s equine healthcare training centre has been taught at the Goustranville campus since 2023.
Academic establishments
There are 37 centres providing equine-related courses in Normandy including:
- AFASEC – campus de Graines
- IFCE Haras du Pin
- UniLaSalle Rouen
- IUT Grand Ouest Normandie Pôle d’Alençon
- Comité régional d’Equitation de Normandie
- Renarderie Formation
- Pôle International du Cheval Longines-Deauville
- CFA-CFPPA Campus Terre et Avenir
- CFA NaturoPOLE site d’Yvetot
- Lycée agricole and CFA-CFPPA
- Agripôle de Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët
- MFR apprenticeship schools in Balleroy, Buchy, Granville, Vains, Vimoutiers…
- Several stables also provide training for horse riding guides.