Master in Material Sciences (Science and Characterization of Materials for Sustainable Developement)


You want to become an expert in material sciences ? Associated to Graduate School of Materials and Energy Sciences (GS-MES), the Master 1 will provide you with fundamental knowledge in material sciences, on industrial materials and on multi-scale characterization techniques. The Master 2 will allow you to study experimental and numerical techniques used today in materials science but also to deepen those on polymer and metal materials. Other topics : sustainable development, societal responsibilities... Two options : advanced characterization of polymers or in nanostructures.
Program :
  • Thermodynamics
  • Crystallized materials
  • Solid physics
  • English
  • Polymers
  • Mechanical properties
  • Structures and functional properties
  • Characterization


Career opportunities : Research engineer in the private and public industrial sectors, R&D Manager, Project, Business, Study Manager, Researcher in the private and public industrial sectors, PhD thesis
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