Master in Data Sciences (SD)


You can’t choose between computer science, mathematics and mobile and embedded technologies ? With this Master, you'll learn to design, produce and deploy systems designed to collect, store and analyse a variety of data, in order to generate appropriate responses in heterogeneous and changing contexts. You’ll be able to choose among three tracks. This Master is part of the MINMACS graduate school, a joint graduate school of the mathematics and information sciences departments of the three major universities (Caen, Le Havre and Rouen) and Grandes Ecoles (ENSICaen and INSA Rouen) in Normandy.
Partner school(s) : The 3 Norman Universities (Caen, Rouen and Le Havre) and Grandes Ecoles (INSA ROUEN and ENSI CAEN)


Further studies : Possible continuation into a PhD program. Graduates follow a high-level training for applications in the fields of health, mobility and renewable energy.
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