Master degree in Nuclear Physics (Nuclei, atoms and collisions)


The Graduate School N2P offers a training of excellence in the field of nuclear physics in partnership with the Master Degree ERASMUS MUNDUS in nuclear physics. The Nuclei, Atoms and Collisions (NAC) research path allows, through its wide choice of options and its alternating research laboratory internship, to develop three different profiles of researcher in microscopie physics.
Program :
  • ln M1 : Atomic and Molecular Physics, Nuclear Physics, Condensed motter Physics, Advanced Physics at the microspic scale, Theoretical and Applied Physics.
  • ln M2 : Atoms and clusters, Machine Learning, Therapy, Experimental nuclear Physics and Fondamental interactions


Further studies : Possibility of continuation in Doctorate
Career opportunities : Research and development, project manager, application and research engineer, doctoral research contract, higher education, university research. ln the research and development services of industries in the fields of civil nuclear applications (energy, instrumentation, big data, simulations) and medical (radiotherapy and hadrontherapy).
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